Forgotten Harmony follows the lives of four cats living as members of the Four Kingdoms of Setholl.

The Woodland Kingdom

A Kingdom known for its dead trees and fallen leaves. Woodland cats worship death, or more specifically, rot. Because of this, they are commonly seen as creepy and nihilistic for their "everyone dies" attitude, but that is far from the truth. They believe that this life is all that matters, and you must value what little time you have above all else. They see death not as something to fear or mourn over, but as a reward after a life well lived, and something necessary for the continued life of every being and the balance of the world.

The Tundra Kingdom

A Kingdom known for the barren tundra from which it gets its name, Tundra cats value strength above all else. They believe true honor comes from protecting and providing for those around you, regardless of your own safety. They too, worship death, but in no way similarly to Woodland cats. They view death as something cruel and unjust, to be feared and respected, lest it come for you or your loved ones. They are viewed by the other kingdoms as rude and aloof, which is not entirely untrue, as they are quite unkind to cats they do not know, but befriend a Tundra cat, and they will stop at nothing to keep you safe from harm.

The Meadow Kingdom

A Kingdom known for its overgrown flora (and sometimes fauna). Meadow cats believe in community, and showing kindness to all beings, no matter how small. They hunt because they must, and take no pleasure in the act, thanking the land for providing for them each day. They worship life, and nature, seeing themselves not as higher beings, but as a small part of the world around them.

The Oasis Kingdom

A Kingdom known for the large lake where its cats make their home, and the desert that surrounds it. Oasis cats value independance and accomplishments.