BYI & Boundaries ::

  • dont try and pull me into your miserable discourse hellpits!!!!! everyone can do whatever they want forever i dont care

  • i have trouble telling when ive taken something too far, if ive made you uncomfortable/upset at any point, please tell me!

  • i talk a loooot. i heart yapping

  • i dont really like source jokes. if its a really funny one its fine but if ur just gonna make a deodorant joke i dont rlly wanna hear it

  • i am WEIRD about my source(s). if ive referred to myself separately from my source already (ie saying "he did this" rather than "i did this") feel free to do the same but please dont just start talking about source me as a seperate entity from me in front of me without warning

    DNI if you are ::

  • basic dni (racist, ableist, etc)

  • zionist or in ANY way pro israel, fuck off

  • terf/swerf

  • narc abuse believer

    DNI if you are anti ::

  • "contradictory" queer ids/goodfaith/mspec mono

  • objectum/any attraction that doesnt actually harm anyone

    I try my best to be respectful of people with differing beliefs and opinions*, but if you come at me with aggression right out the bat, dont expect me to be kind!

    (*basic human rights are not opinions)