Check out the flightless tumblr!
nothing there just yet, but when I finally start making actual progress on the books, thats where you'll be able to find them

Flightless has been one of my biggest passions for almost 3 years now, it has grown and changed with me so much over the years, going from simply being a warrior cats fan story with a main character that was one parts ashfur, one parts mapleshade, and a whole lotta parts teen angst, to something I could truly not be more proud of.

Flightless is a story that deals primarily with free will, all of these characters are told over and over again who they are and what they are meant to do, but it's up to them to find out if what they think is fate is as set in stone as they've been led to believe. It also deals with themes of trauma, found family, morality, love, and above all else, BIRDS!!!

The cats reside on a subtropical peninsula known to them as Cape Avia, the territory is divided into four colonies, Mistcolony, who live in the foggy jungle, Mudcolony, who live in the coastal saltmarsh, Cragcolony, who live high above on a dormant volcano, and Saltcolony, who live on the beach.

The warrior cats origin is evident, but Flightless's world differs from wc in a LOT of ways. For instance, these cats have cooking, leather and fabric processing, advanced construction, and much more that makes them insanely unrealistic but very fun to write about! I actually run into a bit of a problem with this story, which is that I have so much cool worldbuilding I want to include, but such a complicated and already full story that I have nowhere to put any of it!

I could ramble on about flightless for hours, and I definitely have in the past, but I think I'll leave it there for now, thanks for reading!